03 September 2007


Well, we just came back from our Mumbai weekend which was great. While the others saw the sights and did some fine dining, I was subjected to the mercilessness of my family. Never do you feel as inadequate as when you are repeatedly asked why you aren't married and if you feel that you might be "too old." Such is the life of an Indian girl! Regardless, being with my extensive Indian family also makes me realize how lucky I am that so many people care so unconditionally and only want the best for me.

On the work perspective, I did have a little chat with some of my family members about their perspective on the HIV epidemic in India. The fact that I could talk about it with them at all was fascinating because in general they tend to be very conservative, the the terms "HIV" and "sex" couldn't even be uttered the last time I was here three years ago. I did find that their beliefs are that most people in India contract HIV through blood transfusions and unsanitary health care practices, not so much from unprotected sex. While I don't believe that's true, I'm glad that they're at least thinking about it. I was asking my younger cousins whether they had any sex education in schools and the answer was an unsurprising no. But they do believe that the times are changing here and hopefully for the better.

I also a road experience while in Mumbai; a car accident. We're all okay, however I have no idea who was at fault, and let's face it, it probably doesn't matter anyway. I'm not entirely sure there are "right of way" rules here. The way my cousin planned to resolve the situation was finding the other guy's address and throwing rocks at his car. Hmmm

Only 4 more days left, and I still haven't eaten any good, off the street, Hep A enriched food yet.....

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