18 August 2007

Indian Chinese

One of the greatest gastronomic experiences for me each time I go to India is the consumption of Indian Chinese food. It is very difficult to describe what this is to someone who has not had it. It is not Indian food at all, but it is not Chinese food in terms of what is available in the US. Never having been to China myself, I can't say what is more "authentic". Neither is probably close to the real deal. We sampled a large number of dishes last night: sweet corn soup, manchow soup, Szechuan noodles, spring rolls, paneer satay, and, of course, the greatest of Indian Chinese vegetarian dishes, Vegetables Manchurian (see picture). Very satisfying.

We got to do another favorite activity of mine today as well: Carroms. None of us is particularly good, yet, but playing carroms is way fun.

The first week of the trip, to be spent at Sivananda Rehabilitation Home and NIMS, is pretty much set. We have one more day of R&R. Hopefully, we can catch some sightseeing before the learning starts in earnest, bright and early Monday morning.


Dr. H said...

Having just returned from Beijing and experienced such "delicacies" as sea cucumber (no, not a vegetable!), jellyfish and duck's feet, I can safely say that Indian vegetarian chinese looks like it's a 1000% better and doesn't require the large scale consumption of pijiu (beer) and baojiu ("white lightening") to consume. Have fun in India, and am looking forward to more blog postings, especially from the students!

BaldWonder said...

OK guys, two days with no blogging. What exactly are you doing over there? If you are going to Golkonda, tell Don to put on his best Canadian accent. This is where I was accosted by the lunatic who wanted Bush to put an embassy in Hyderabad so he could blow it up...

Agam Rao said...

Dr. Armitage told me about this blog today so I haven't had much time to read through much of it yet but I'm very envious of you all for getting the time to hang out in Hyderabad. Reading some of your entries makes me very nostalgic for Hyderabad-- I spent 5th through 10th grade there and so I spent a huge part of my formative years playing carroms on one of those huge wooden carrom boards that you have to sit around, playing on the girls "throwball team" in 8th and 9th grade, hanging out at Baker's Inn after school when it first opened and was the cool place to be seen after school (this is before it became sleezy, of course) and shopping in Abids with my mom. It's a great city. Most of my family still lives in Jubilee Hills where we still have our house. Regarding the lunatic at Golkonda-- I can beat that. On one of my school fieldtrips, I could've sworn I got bitten by a bat in the caves you have to walk through and am still deathly afraid of bats. You should've asked my HPS friends for dirt on me for the senior roast, Gopala!! They have all the dirt. Wish this trip had happened last year when I was still a UH resident!! Have fun.